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Sustainable Ireland Conference June 2023, Denise O'Kelly from HUB360 highlights the glaring need to optimise Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs)

During the Sustainable Ireland Conference in June 2023, Denise O'Kelly from HUB360 spoke about the need to optimise Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and presented how the HUB360 software platform can help. She highlighted the significant contribution of HGVs to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 20% of GHG emissions in the EU, and emphasised the availability of technology to shift HGVs away from fossil fuels.

Denise discussed the recurring issues faced by organisations involved in product deliveries, such as the lack of centralised management, visibility, accountability, and outdated approaches like pen and paper. These inefficiencies lead to underutilised truck space, inefficient routes, and poor communication, resulting in unnecessary emissions.

To address these challenges, Denise proposed embracing change and leveraging technology to optimize HGV usage. Examples included monitoring truck volumes and weight to maximise space, automating customer communications to reduce idle time, and using routing and scheduling optimisation tools to establish efficient loads and routes for HGVs.

Denise shared a real-life example of a customer working with HUB360, which achieved a significant reduction in delivery-related greenhouse gas emissions by implementing optimisation measures. This reduction not only contributed to environmental benefits but also resulted in significant cost savings, increased capacity, and opportunities for business growth.

Considering the scale of HGV operations, with 6.2 million trucks in the EU alone, even small reductions in emissions from each truck can have a substantial cumulative effect. Implementing these changes across the board has the potential to make a remarkable impact on carbon emissions and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

Denise urged businesses and organisations to embrace these solutions and work together to drive positive change for both their bottom line and the environment.