Modernising Groundworks & Tipper Operations with Hub360

Hub360 brings a new level of efficiency, compliance, and sustainability to groundworks, muckaway & aggregate deliveries

Enhanced Efficiency and Compliance: Hub360 streamlines the management of tipper and bulk truck operations with digital tracking and compliance assurance, moving away from outdated paper-based systems to ensure smooth material management and strict compliance.

Digital Docket Management: A Core of Operational Efficiency

  • Compliance Assurance: Shift to digital with HUB360, boosting material management efficiency and maintaining compliance.

  • Productivity Gains: Potential savings of up to 53 hours per week through streamlined documentation and digital processes.

  • Error Minimisation: Capture data digitally at pickup and offloading points, leading to consistent and reliable records.

  • Efficient Document Retrieval: Quickly access documents with advanced search functions and an organized digital filing system.

  • Cloud-Based Document Storage: Embrace cloud storage for document management, reducing physical space needs and supporting eco-friendly practices.

  • Data Entry Efficiency: Digital recording at delivery and offloading points eliminates manual data entry, fostering operational superiority.

  • Sustainability Practices: Enhance green procurement efforts and reduce your carbon footprint with better vehicle and load management.

Under Sean O'Neill's Visionary Leadership Moyglare Sand & Gravel achieve new levels of efficiency and sustainability with the implementation of Hub360

Hub360 Supports the Entire Organisation

The Hub360 app delivers a range of benefits tailored to meet the diverse needs of team members across the organisation, enhancing their experience and efficiency from the top down.

Everyone from the owner to the drivers gains from Hub360’s implementation.

Here's a breakdown of how HUB360 enhances the experience and efficiency for each role:

For Owners:

  • Increased Profitability: By optimising resource usuage and automating manual tasks, HUB360 helps reduce operational costs, leading to higher profit margins.

  • Business Insight: Real-time data and analytics provide owners with a comprehensive overview of the business operations, aiding in informed decision-making.

  • Sustainability Achievement: Supports owners in achieving their sustainability goals through efficient resource management and reduced carbon emissions.

For Operations:

  • Streamlined Processes: Operations staff benefit from improved oversight of resource scheduling and load planning capabilities, making it easier to manage daily tasks and ensure timely deliveries.

  • Enhanced Resource Utilisation: The app allows for better allocation of vehicles and personnel, reducing idle times and increasing overall operational efficiency.

  • Problem Resolution: With real-time tracking and communication, operational issues can be identified and resolved quickly, minimizing downtime.

For Admin Staff:

  • Reduced Paperwork: Digitising documents and automating document management significantly cuts down the time spent on paperwork, allowing admin staff to focus on more critical tasks.

  • Improved Organisation: The app’s scheduling and document management features keep everything organised and accessible, reducing administrative overhead.

  • Compliance Ease: Automated record-keeping simplifies compliance with industry regulations and standards, making audits and inspections more straightforward.

For Drivers:

  • Ease of Use: User-friendly interface and in-app navigation tools make it simpler for drivers to manage their schedules, paperwork & loads.

  • Quick Communication: In-app messaging and notifications keep drivers informed of any changes or updates to their schedule, reducing confusion and improving efficiency.

  • Safety and Compliance: Features like vehicle safety checklists help drivers ensure they are meeting safety standards, while digital proof of delivery simplifies compliance with delivery documentation requirements.

The Hub360 Advantage: Simple to Setup & Great to Use

Hub360 simplifies everything: Designed for drivers, delivering immediate business benefits.

With one app, streamline your operations, ensure compliance, and support sustainability.

Effortless, effective, essential.

Business Benefits for Groundworks & Tipper Services:

Efficiency & Scalability: Transition to a fully digital workflow to cut out paperwork and related inefficiencies.

Modernised Workflow: Smart Tech Tipper & Bulk Mobile Driver App simplifies load management for drivers, enhancing productivity and enabling digital documentation.

Operational Transparency: Monitor every aspect of your operations through a centralised dashboard.

Automated Record Keeping: Every pickup and delivery is instantly recorded, providing a full history of jobs and proofs of delivery for easy access and audit.

Streamlined Admin: Automated load recording streamlines the invoicing process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in financial operations.